To steer clear of any gaps in insurance coverage, the key lies in staying well-prepared. And when it comes to preparation, who could be more knowledgeable than a Hall of Fame player, a Hall of Fame coach, and the Aflac Duck? (Prime, Saban, Aflac Duck) These exceptional individuals are joining forces to assist college football fans in overcoming insurance gaps by offering insights from the Aflac Playbook.
This campaign look was inspired by the Aflac blue colors with videogame gridded designs. There was a ton of creativity from both the team & Aflac leveraging to some fun creative pieces.
Throughout the campaign I was tasked with creating video content for their socials.
In addition to creating some of the videos for this campaign, I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with the amazing team over at Aflac on the development of Aflac's formidable rival, THE GAP GOAT. It was an enjoyable challenge!